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KDE VDG group member, hard at work! |
This time I will focus primarily on the widget theme. Now as some of you may now there is a "quiet area" where we keep some of the work that either needs to be secret or where there are some issue or you want to test things or you need to work on it in quiet in a small group.
This isn't the end plan - the idea is that in the end everything except sensitive things (where perhaps the dev has asked us not to tell others about it yet) will be done in the open. Now is the time to try that out for reals!
Andrew has been hard at work with the widget theme - now unlike before it doesn't demand that you know C++ just that you can handle QML. Now what does that crazy abbreviation mean? Well, QML is "Qt Meta Language" and it's the way we can among other things style Qt apps or widgets.
It is comparatively simple to use and learn. I say comparatively because I'm trying to learn it as we speak and I would be lying if I said it was a dance on roses BUT it's way simpler than any other method for styling AND it offers a ton of features and possibilities.
Andrew is well under way with it and the current iteration - as well as a sneak peak at the window theme - can be seen here:
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With a sneak peak at window dialogues too. |
But he needs the communities help refining it! In his post in the forum is a short recap of the issue and some instructions as well as an invitation to EVERYONE no matter what skill level (or indeed if the suggestions are done in words or mockups or QML) to participate. I can only suggest that you do! The more we are, the better it will become!
Aside from that some rather fascinating possibilities have opened up. Alex Fiestas and Vishesh Handa, two of what I prefer to call "KDE's finest" have started working on a new Video Player.
Now many might think that this is a waste of time as there already are video players out there - then let me let you in on a little secret. Inside this thick skull of mine is a dream of crafting applications made for desktop usage. Where we take a sincere look at whats needed, how it can best be presented, how it should work and flow - without feeling stuck in the hellish "where did my X/Y/Z feature go in X/Y/Z software?" problem. When you remodel something existing you run the risk of ruining it. It's a simple fact - it also ties you down design wise because we're nice people (trust me, designers are not only "nice" we are also "people") and to storm in and tell someone who doesn't want to change their application that you're there to do just that isn't a great experience.
Also this week hopefully a small promo video will be cut together for one detail or two of Plasma Next. Nothing long or fancy, no wonderful great secrets revealed BUT something to set the tone.
So this was perhaps not the longest monday report - but it was hopefully pleasant to read and informative! Until next time! (Oh and remember my promise "A year and a day for KDE"? 20% of the time has now passed...
(EDIT: I forgot to add the second image from Andrews post, sry fixed now)
mmmm... so interestiiingg,, ahaahah and how much have you done?
SvaraRaderaDen här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaIt feels a bit weird with the tabs in the centre, but that could just be because I'm not used to it.
RaderaWill there be a theme for qt4 also?
SvaraRaderathank you for your work.
The screenshots look nice, but there is a problem with the color of the titles.
The bright-blue on grey is a bad choice: a user needs to know immediately the title of the window when he takes a look on it (example: you have 5 open Calligra documents, that look similar unless you check the title). Focusing on a small blue bright bold on grey title takes two seconds, while it should be immediate.
A similar problem with inactive (off-focus) windows...
it looks a bit too much like visual studio 2012 combined with adwaita, i think
SvaraRaderadefinitely not a fan of the large round things everywhere, it looks too much fisher-price esque
i think is just a little too much large, probably is better if you reduce the dimension of buttons and the other stuff. it looks like gnome3 at it is a little bit scary for me. Reduce also the space between windows title and the rest.
SvaraRaderaI hope the window buttons end up less highlighted. Call me old fashioned but I prefer the current Oxygen small barely noticeable window control buttons over big squares or completely different color as shown in the pictures.
SvaraRaderaYou just went full Android Holo Light.
Never go full Android.
Oh, why all the square corners... That looks so 1995... Round, round!
SvaraRadera/me likes Oxygen because it is smooth and soft, not so harsh and technical...
I know...this is really horrible. They are trying to imitate the inferior Windows 8 style :(
RaderaI like where this is going. I just can't look at the default KDE anymore. Something about Oxygen just reminds me to much of Windows.
SvaraRaderaI am sorry to say this but Breeze Style looks like a horrible copy of windows 8 style.
SvaraRaderaNew style is amazing. Thanx