måndag 28 juli 2014

Monday Report: Creating Documentation

Yesterday we reached a small but important goal, we completed the first of our self-set tasks for this cycle, namely finishing our application layout guideline. The guideline has been presented to the community to gather feedback and was moved to the HIG wiki yesterday.
If you think something blatantly obvious has been overlooked, don’t be afraid to speak up. The guidelines can always be improved. Keep in mind though that we intend to make more visual examples available in the guidelines. As of now we were mainly concerned with the textual content of the guidelines.
The guidelines are intended to standardise which layout elements KDE applications use and to help pointing out which layout is best suited for a specific type of application.
Additionally to the release of the application layout guidelines Andrew Lake has updated the mockup toolkit with some examples of how one can use the layout guidelines in combination with the toolkit to prototype application designs.

Another project that starts to take shape is the next network system settings module. This module is intended to be one of the first with an updated design for the new system settings.
This work is in its early planning phase so if you have something important to say, chime in!

On the window decoration front Martin Gräßlin has blogged about the advances he’s made. If you haven't seen the blog post yet give it a read, it provides very interesting insights in the internals of KWin’s new decoration API. Now it’s time for us to work on the details like padding, etc. We're very pleased with the amount of progress being made, which shows again how absolutely awesome the KDE developers are.


We are very happy to see the increased community activity in the forums. Last week a whole bunch of new users arrived in the forums and started to give all kinds of useful feedback and ideas.
It’s very impressive what a difference a few motivated individuals can make. We hope to integrate all of you into our workflow as good as possible and try not miss any of your ideas. If this should happen anyway don’t be afraid to voice your ideas again.

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